Projects and Accomplishments

Links to School Projects

Donation Pal

A site that should mimic something like KickStarter or GoFundMe
Uses Node.JS, MongoDB, Stripe, and Google App Engine


Users can upload a photo with location data, and the photo will be turned into a thumbnail and placed on the map
Uses Node.JS, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Storage, and Google App Engine

Past Projects

To view all programming projects, please visit my GitHub

Dungeons and Dragons Character Creator

December 2019
Python/Visual Basic
Short and small character creator for Dungeons and Dragons to assist those who don't know how
Download and Try Yourself
DND Character Creator preview
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ZoomBot Zoom Auto-Joiner

November 2020
A bot made to automatically login and join the correct Zoom class for each day and time
Check it out!
Some zoomBot Code
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March 2021
A miniature and private social media with timed auto-deletion
Now with a discord bot for users to interact with easily
Check it out!
Discord Bot
Some tweetBook Code
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Sensei Student Roster

January 2021
A student roster app a karate school could use
Check it out!
Some studentRoster Code
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Python Enigma Machine

June 2021
A python app that simulates the Enigma Machine from Nazi Germany
Check it out!
Some enigma Code
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September 2021
A voice assistant built from the ground up with a privacy-first focus
Check it out!
Some enigma Code
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Eagle Scout
Boy Scouts of America
November 2017
Noblesville Troop 105
My Troops Site

My Eagle Project was to lead the construction of a new outdoor toy shed. This was for the kids that attend the church that my troop meet at.

Group Photo of Troop Members/Helpers

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